I have to start by saying HELLO to my world wide runners!  There are people running to my podcasts from Australia to New Zealand.  The internet is so awesome!  Never in a Million years did I dream of my podcasts going so far.  As I mentioned earlier today, I’m at my parent’s house using their computer because my internet at home is crap.  Fortunately, the new one gets installed tomorrow….I had some rough patches during the week, lots of stress from working on the church anniversary committee and many frustrations from not being able to work out.  Then of course there was the dessert debacle earlier in the week.  I wasn’t sure what to expect at the Weight Watcher weigh in tonight.

  I dressed very “light” this morning.  All of my clothes probably only weighed 1 pound total.  I no longer feel awkward about dressing light, after the stories that everyone shared.   I stepped on the scale and the friendly WW lady said….. “You’re doing it girl, you lost 2 pounds this week!”  I was super shocked, and I said “I’ll take that.”  My very energetic group leader Cheryl asked people to share stories of difficulties overcome during the week and I shared my story about the “Food Cube.”  My fellow weight watchers were also disturbed by the idea of an entire cubicle dedicated to food.  They suggested that I bring healthy food to add to it.  I just want to stay away from it.  I don’t need excuse to go in there.  Well my Big Little Sister is over here too and my cute little niece is trying to give Auntie Carli a massage, so I think I’ll call it night. 

Carli and Niecy Poo

Carli and Niecy Poo






P.S.  I better do something real spectacular if I want to reach my goal and be on the Oprah show before she retires!

  1. Hi Carli,
    since reading today’s entry on your blog I decided to write, so you can add ITALY to the list of countries where peole run to your podcast!!
    I start week 5 tomorrow, it is hard but I will make it, I am having fun, feel motivated and enjoying my runs.
    I’ll keep you posted
    have a fab day and thank you

  2. si, Italia, instead of running to Pavarotti I run to Carli!!!

  3. Hi Carli, Just wanted to let you know I’m enjoying your podcasts. I’m on week 3. I really like the music, and I love your voice 🙂 I’ve tried the C25k program before without a podcast, and always looking at a stop watch became a pain. Thanks for keeping me motivated and for all your hard work putting it all together!
    ~Laurie from Augusta, GA

  4. How cool your podcast is reaching and helping so many world wide! Congrats on another successful week!!

  5. Hey Carli, still going. Starting week 4 today – if anything looking forward to hearing your new mix LOL! Its been raining for about 3 days straight and I hate being out in the rain. But I think if people in the northern hemisphere can be doing this in the winter I can do it too, weather is sure to pick up soon, after all its meant to be summer in New Zealand 🙂

    • I saw one of the videos you posted, there is nothing that beautiful in St. Louis! But, I’m not a big fan of cold or rain, so I usually take it inside on those days. I admire people who run in the rain.

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