I have learned in life that often times our greatest strength can also be a debilitating weakness. In my life being stubborn and strong headed has gotten me to great places that defy statistics. However, on the other hand being too stubborn has caused a lot of trouble. For example, I’m repeatedly too stubborn to face the music and accept the fact that I need help and I can’t do everything alone. It seems silly to me that I need a meal plan or a fitness routine to maintain a healthy life. But, fortunately I’m learning to get out of my own way and accept the things I cannot change. I did not work out all week. I felt so tired and honestly couldn’t figure out why. Duh! *smack on the forehead* My body is not used to being so sedentary. So, I’m accepting the fact that I need some sort of program to stay on track with my workout regimen. I thought after countless races, and regularly working out for years, that I could motivate myself to work out on my own. But, I can’t, so I signed up for the Halloween 10k (6.2 Mile) race in October. Training officially starts this week. I will do my best to keep my training schedule updated and posted for you to see. I did a little laundry this morning and got my best work out buddy ready to go to the Park. It was a beautiful day, low 80s and not too much humidity. I picked a really scenic area of the park to walk. Nyah and I walked circles around the water basin with couples in love sharing paddle boats and families on picnics. It made me think of having my own family one day. I’m not in a real rush, but since I turned 30 I guess I realized that the clock is starting to tick. I’m not in a big hurry to have children, but I don’t really want to be 50 with the 10-year-old either. In between laps around the water basin we walked up the giant Hill and jogged back down while listening to my Michael Jackson mix on my iPod. It was a very leisure walk, and I took time to enjoy myself. It felt so good to be moving again. I felt refreshed instead of tired. Even though it had only been a week I realized how much fitness really is a part of my life. And, I realized how much it is actually a part of my lifestyle, and that made me smile. After about 50 minutes of walking around and up and down the hill we were finished. I went to the nail shop after I got home and showered. My Nail Tech Lee, that helped me catch the purse thief is still at home in Vietnam, so a new lady helped me. She did pretty good, so I can’t complain too much. Afterwards I had an awesome dinner with two of my friends, and then we went to see the movie “The Help.” It was so good, it took us on journey through Jim Crow Mississippi from the black maid’s untold perspective. I think it did an amazing job of depicting America during the civil rights era and provided a stark contrast to the world we live in today where I can causually sit in a movie theater next to a White couple with a Black president running the country.   We’ve come a long way baby!

  1. Oh good! We can “train together!” I am stalled out due to some weird pain, but ready to get back on the horse tomorrow. Or the road anyway 😉 My goal was a 10 K “at the end of the summer” but maybe by thanksgiving will be good enough for me.

  2. Way to go! Even though I haven’t run a 5K, I signed up for a10K in October. I’m using your podcast to prepare. Even if I have to walk some, just doing it shall be a blast. Good luck with your training.

  3. Good deal!! I “wogged” my first 10K this morning! Completed the Dallas Hottest Half 10K in 1:20 using Galloway’s run/walk/run method with a 2:1 run/walk ratio. I’m using his method to train for a half marathon on October 23. I could tell I hadn’t run much this week as I came down with an ear/sinus infection. The first 3 miles were a breeze but the second 3 were brutal! But, I finished and received my first finisher’s medal—which I will proudly be wearing tomorrow when I go back to school!!!

  4. Angela, indeed we can. I posted the training schedule that I will be following.

  5. BlackBetty Good luck to you! Signing up makes it so much more real.

  6. Cathie keep up the good work! I’m happy to see that you have a half marathon planned. Like I always say, If I did it, any body can!

  7. I just happened upon your blog and really do enjoy your posts. I did want to mention that the book, “The Help” is a lot better than the movie. I actually listened to it on my commute to work. Each character has her own unique reader and you get the beauty of accents and personality. There was just so much more going on in the book. If you loved the movie, you must read it. Also, I had to laugh at your comment about turning 30. I just turned 30 this summer and got engaged on my birthday. There is something about it that pushes you toward change, hence the couch to 5k program. I look forward to reading more of your posts. The egg story was priceless! Good luck!

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