Last week, I became a little too relaxed with my food. The scale quickly reminded to get back to my healthy eating plan. The only downfall was that I hurt my ankle and wasn’t able to train for my 5K like I wanted to. But, I reminded myself that weight loss is 70% Food and 30% gym. This week was a really good food week (despite a minor ice cream debacle) and I made it to the gym once I was healed up. I actually had no idea what to expect for today’s Wednesday Weigh-in. Would it be another shocking 5 pound gain? Would it be another shocking 5 pound loss? I stepped up and saw that I lost 2.8 pounds! I was pretty excited about that, especially since I had gained last week. I’m so proud of myself for not staying stuck in defeat. I just accepted it for what it was and moved on. I read some guy’s blog post somewhere and he said he always focused on the total amount lost, regardless of what happened during the week. I’ll try to remember to include the total each week. So, since the beginning of the year, my total lost is 14.6 pounds! I was always good at falling off the wagon, but now I’m learning the delicate art of how to get back on again. Yay Me!
Hey Carli, Im new to this site but Ive been looking for good music to run to and you’re hitting it out of the park, (Im afro american) PLEASE keep up the good work!
Hey Jannese, Thanks Sista Girl! Good luck with the program
Hey Carli, Gurl I know what you mean, I’m still battling this unbelievable 5lbs I gained in a wk, and for the life of me I dont know how that happened, (I think maybe its the wine!!!!) I’m tettering between wk 5 and 6, mixing the intervels up!