Today is Wednesday, so it was time for the weekly walk with my Best Friend.  Since I did so well with Week 2 yesterday, I decided it was time to move on to Week 3.  My friend got a head start walking down the path, while I got my iPod together.  I did just fine with the 1st 90 second interval run. The next 3 minute run was a little tough, but not impossible.  I kept saying to myself I’ve run 3 whole miles several times, I know I can do this.  The second set of runs were a lot harder, but I kept pushing.  I remembered the joy of running past the skinny people walking, even if it was only for 3 minutes at time.  It was also cool to see people cheering on the “fat girl running.” People gave me a thumbs up and one plus size girl grabbed her heart and smiled.  Like I always say, if I can do it, anybody can.   Running feels so good, I can’t believe I let myself get back to the point that I had to start training all over….  When I finished all of the running intervals, I was so tired.  When I turned around and looked for my friend, she was nowhere in sight.   I figured that she would want to do the whole 3 miles so I kept walking.  I slowed down and waited for a few minutes at the halfway turn around point.  When she got there she told me she wished I hadn’t done the whole walk and she kept looking for me to turn around.  I told her I kept turning around looking for her to wave at me to come back.  Neither one of us really wanted to do the whole thing, but that’s the great thing about working out outdoors, whether you feel like quitting or not, you still have to get back to the car.  And eventually, we did.


  1. You are awesome! I am on Week 5 and I am so appreciative of your podcast. You’ve carried me through the program!

  2. Hi Carli..just finished week one and lookin forward to start week 2….keep on the good work….

  3. Hey Carli, keep it up! I’m enjoying running to your podcasts even though I’ve always said I hate to run. I’m 44 years old and carrying some weight, so I’m quite excited to be on the track and running/walking and *smiling*!

  4. Carli, I love your podcasts. I’ve never liked running but your sweet voice and awesome music selections make it fun. I’m also glad to hear I’m not the only one who falls off the wagon. I finished week one, started week two and then had a the convenient excuse of rain to miss the rest of the week. So I’m repeating week 2 this week and am determined to stay on track this time. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing your inspiring and honest journey.

  5. Carli, thank you so much for making these podcasts…..I am on week four and I love it..your voice and the music keep me going through it…thanks again so much…never would have started a 5k training program before I heard about your downloads. Thank you thank you thank you

  6. Madame Cur, you’re more than half way through! Keep up the good work!

  7. Maggan sometimes getting started is the hardest part, and you already accomplished that. Keep it up!

  8. Pam that’s wonderful, I certainly hope to make running a lifestyle so that I can still run when I’m 44. That’s amazing.

  9. Wendy, Thanks! You know I started the proram over, so I’m right there with you.

  10. Doubleleo, you guys are going to make me blush talking about my voice 🙂 I repeated week 2 for a least 2 weeks. No big deal, as long as you keep moving forward, you have succeeded.

  11. I love your positive attitude! I just started the C25K program and found your site through Google. Keep it up Carli!

  12. Hey Mark! Hope all is well. I hope you enjoyed Week 1. You’ve already overcome a huge hurdle just by getting started. Believe it or not, you’ll soon begin to love it. Happy Running.

  13. Hi Carli – Your podcasts have been the best discovery of this Couch 2 5K program. Love your music selections. I have just finished week 2 and thought it went pretty well. I’m so nervous about the long running intervals in the coming weeks though. :-X

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