Y’all, it is Hot as you know what outside. Last night I went to bed at a decent time (before the digital clock switched over to AM). I had high aspirations of a productive day. My internal clock woke me up at 6AM, but that was too early. So, I went back to sleep and got up at about 8:30. I was going to go run in the park with day 2 of Week 4, and do laundry, and clean the kitchen. However, the extreme heat knocked me over. I don’t have central air, and it was just miserably hot. Nyah didn’t even want to go outside to potty. I went back to bed, without cooking breakfast. When I finally got up, I had just enough time take a shower and brush Nyah before her doctor’s appointment. I noticed a slight limp when she walked for the past couple of days. Her weight (65 pounds) was the exact same as it was 2 years ago, so they were pleased. The doctor said her teeth and coat looked good. He was so surprised that she gently took the treat from him and sat without being asked. I was glad that she acted well behaved like she does at home, and not like the wild disobedient monster that she is during walks in the park. Nyah was nervous and excited so the nurse had to help hold her while he checked her out. He checked for broken toes, he said her wrist and elbow were fine. I didn’t even know she had a wrist or an elbow. But, when he moved her front right shoulder, she flinched and jerked away. He said it wasn’t broken. But more of a soft tissue pulled muscle. He said it could also be arthritis, because she’s getting at that age. “My baby is old?!” I exclaimed in a shrill voice. “Not old yet,” he calmly reassured me. Just at the age that she could start to get arthritis. I guess Nyah will be 8 in October. The vet prescribed an anti-inflammatory and said to limit her activity for a week and things should be back to normal.
I was supposed to have a 2nd date tonight with a new guy, meeting his friends for game night. But as the time grew closer, I realized he was a no call, no show. At most jobs no call no show = you’re fired. Hmmmm. He might have moved himself into the “you’re fired” category. I was a little upset, but not devastated, it was just the 2nd date. But he was a good catch, 6’4, good job, no kids, sense of humor. We’ll see what happens. Anyway, I channeled my frustration into a pasta recipe that I’ve wanted to try for months. It seemed like a good idea since the gym closed and it’s still above 100 degrees outside. The pasta turned out pretty good. My gym cousin called and I told him that my hot date was M.I.A. and he jokingly told me that it’s so hot that I could go outside and pick up anybody and call it a “hot date.” I got a good belly laugh out of that, and invited him over to try my new recipe. He said it was very good. Check it out!
Fettuccine with Spinach and Feta Cheese
8 oz of Fettuccine Cooked
1 Cup Fat-Free Chicken Broth
10 oz Frozen Spinach thawed and dried
1/3 Cup Sun-Dried tomatoes
1 Cup Non-Fat Ricotta Cheese
¼ Cup of Feta Cheese
Garlic, pepper, and seasoned salt to taste
Cooking Directions: Cook and Drain Pasta. Bring broth, spinach, tomatoes and seasoning to boil. Reduce heat and simmer while covered for 5 Minutes.
Add Ricotta, warm through. Add pasta and feta and toss.
Side Note: I didn’t have sun dried tomatoes, so I used a little salsa. I would assume that you could use whole wheat pasta as well.
1. re: hot date… you are adorable
2. re: salsa for sun dried tomatoes… No. Buy them. I know you have a good job.
love, your eastcoastinternetmom
I’m with Helen – get the sun dried tomatoes. Also, you can drain greek yogurt for a few hours in the fridge (yes long prep work annoys me too), as a sub for ricotta. Makes it even more lo-cal not low taste.
Okay, give me the number of the no call no show guy and I will fire him for you! He has no idea what he’s missin’! And the pasta looks Yuuuuuummmmmyyyyy~ I’m gonna try it this week. My half went really well. Came in at 3 hours 5 minutes! I’m doing another in July, so I’m going to really start training this time.
Have a good week! 🙂
– congrats Jennifer!
– thanks for agreeing with me TexNYQueen…we gotta take care of our girl 🙂
Thanks Helen! 🙂
Awww, see that’s why I call you Mama Helen, always giving motherly encouragement and advice. Yes, I do have a good job, and I can afford sun dried tomatoes LOL! I’ll get some next time I go to the grocery store. I probably won’t even know where to find them. Thanks again eastcoastinternetmom 🙂
Now, Tex I do pride myself on being a pretty decent cook, but I wouldn’t know where to begin “draining greek yogurt”
Aww Jenn Jenn…wasn’t that rude for him not to even have the decency to send a cancelation text? I’m pretty much over it. It’s like the new Beyonce song, he might be “the best thing I never had.” The pasta was delicious, I just finished the last of it, after sharing with my cousin and my little sister. According to your fellow commenter’s, “buy the sun dried tomatoes” LOL I’m so proud of you for finishing your half marathon.YAY!!!! Hi-Five all the way from St. Louis! Awesome finish time I might add. Keep on running girlie!
Just discovered your blog- love your stance on fitness and positive attitude! Will use your podcast to get the 5k done, thanks for posting!!!