Usually, people say they are going to “run” some errands. Today, I walked my errands. Before lunch, I mapped out how far the post office was from my office. It was almost exactly 1 mile each way. It was very hot and humid outside (mid 80’s), so I didn’t really want to walk. But, I put on my tennis shoes and my extra deodorant and did it anyway. I had happy hour plans with my old coworker friend, and I knew I would not feel like going to the gym late on a Friday night. The closer I got to the post office, the more I regretted it. I was really starting to sweat. My little sister warned me before I left that it was too warm, and that I would probably smell like a wet dog by the time I got back to the office. She also didn’t hesitate to remind me how unprofessional that would be for me to return to the law firm sweaty and funky. So, all I could think about while I walked, was the fact that I was going to run everybody out of the office with my sweaty odor. I returned a phone call to my Shopping Cousin who told me that she was so happy that I found my niche (writing). And she told me how much reading my blog brightened her day. That gave me a little boost of motivation. I pushed through the thick St. Louis heat, and made it to the post office where I took a few minutes to enjoy the cool air-conditioning. I left the post office, and power-walked down the street to the bank while I was on the phone catching up with my Big Little Sister. I’m so addicted to my phone. But, it was a good distraction. Anyway, the best part about walking outside is that regardless of how tired you are, you still have to get back to your starting point. Finally, I made it back to my office with time to spare. I was sweating like I had been to the gym. I was so glad that my shirt was black and you couldn’t see the sweat spots on my back. Two miles isn’t a challenging distance for me, but it was just so sticky outside. I went to the bathroom and brushed my windblown hair and freshen up a little. It was a really great workout and a very productive lunch. I ran two errands and power walked two miles. I was also proud of myself for avoiding the cookie cake at the office baby shower. Instead, I opted for four small crackers and hummus, and fresh veggies. That’s about all folks! Have a Great Weekend!
I really enjoyed this! What a great way to get in some exercise while doing other stuff…kind of a throwback…that is how everyone handled errands and such years ago. Wish I lived closer to some of the stores in my area. I could probably walk to and from once the Arizona heat fades away some in the fall. Thanks for sharing this! I love your writing syle. 🙂
Oh, and way to go on passing up that cookie cake…that is very inspiring!!
Hi Carli! I’ve been using your playlists for Couch to 5K and I absolutely love them! Seriously — they make my life a lot easier. I have tried Couch to 5K in the past and found it frustrating trying to time my runs while working out. I blogged about them today over at my new blog The Greener Bean … thank you for your generosity, inspiration and sweet jams! Gillian
I keep Dove personal towelettes in my desk drawer. I try to walk for 30mins each day at work (at least until the temps rose way too high in the afternoon) and they come in handy cuz I sweat buckets with just a smallest bit of exertion.
Way to go, and don’t let a little heat stop you from walking. I’m trying to NOT use my car to go anywhere in my small town, taking a stroller or backpack to do grocery shopping and stuff and either walking or biking. I hear than in Europe, it’s unheard of to use a car to go any distance less than a couple of miles at least. I’d love to make it my norm, too.
Lavender, I think that’s why people lived longer with less diseases, because they ate less processed food, and driving a quick errand was unheard of. I’m glad you enjoyed my post. I threw it together quickly and I thought it was crappy writing. LOL! Glad to know people still enjoyed it, even if I didn’t think it was too good.
Gillian, I checked out your blog, looks like you’re doing a great job. How fun that you live in NYC. I definitely liked the Teal dress for the wedding. Good Choice!
Hey Tex! I used a wet paper towel, but the dove towelettes sound much nicer. I’ll pick some up next time I’m at Wal-mart. Thanks, you always have great advice.
Wow, Elayne. I don’t think I’ve ever walked to the grocery store. Then I’d have to carry it all back. Yikes! That’s great that you can do that. I was watching House Hunters the International edition or what ever it’s called, and the realtor and the potential new home owners rode a bike to check out the new house. That was so strange, I was a realtor for a while and I NEVER rode a bike to a showing. Heck, I don’t even own a bike. LOL. But, maybe the next time I need to go to the drug store, I might walk, it’s less than a mile away.
The trade-off for walking/biking to the store is that I can’t buy a week’s worth of groceries at once (especially for a family of 8!). So I have to go every day or every other day. I get forced into more exercise, AND I save money because I don’t have produce going bad because we didn’t get around to using it.
Multi tasking….what a great way to go. Keep it up Carli!
Carli —
I live in NM where the temperatures (but not the humidity!) rival St. Louis. I will walk or jog on my lunch (to your podcasts, of course). I bring a bag with my workout clothes, complete with deoderant and some body spray. When I come back (smelling like ick) i put on my work clothes again, more deoderant, some spray and pull my haif back into a professional looking bun. No one can even tell I have been working out!
Pilot Chick you actually RUN at work?! Wow that’s awesome. Keep up the good work. Thanks for running with me.