I was so inspired by my personal training session in Los Angeles that I wanted to get a personal trainer here at home in The Lou. Until I had my personal training session with my Hollywood Aunt in California, I totally under estimated the value of having a personal trainer. I told myself, I know how to work out, and I know how to train. I have my ACE fitness certification. What can somebody teach me about how to sweat? Well, when I put my cockiness and pride to the side, there was actually a whole lot to learn. I need a lot of help when it comes to technique and using proper form. There’s more to a good workout than getting a good sweat.
I’m still meeting with my counselor on a regular basis. Right now were focusing on fixing my “all or nothing” mentality. Not throwing in the towel and feeling like the world is over because I ate a cookie or got “off plan.” I’m working on forgiving myself and moving forward. She also suggested that I see a nutritionist. In the back of my mind I felt like, I know I’m supposed to eat chicken and broccoli, why do I need a nutritionist? But, I didn’t completely dismiss it. She also suggested a gym that pairs you up with a nutritionist and a trainer. I was more open to that. As deep as my food issues run, it might be good to attack it from all angles. If that means I need counseling, a nutritionist, and a trainer and it works…well then, it works.
I called up Club Fitness as I have seen others in there working with personal trainers. They had a jump start special for 4 personal training sessions for $99. I had my first session with my personal trainer Dan today. Today’s session met and exceeded my expectations. I feel like I know a lot about fitness and food, but I’m not opposed to learning something new. My pastor always says you can’t learn anything if you think you already know everything. It was nice to have such a hands-on personalized approach, outside of reading the latest diet book or article. He started with the basics, I told him my goal was health and weight loss. He came up with an action plan and made it seem possible. Our goal is not just to “lose weight.” He wants me to lose fat and build muscle. He never looked at me like why in the world would you let yourself get this big. He took my weight and my measurements. All he focused on was where he wanted the numbers to be in a month. He didn’t think it was unreasonable for me to lose 20 lbs in a month! He was confident about it. He told me he lost 60 pounds in 6 months, it was the hardest 6 months of his life, but that he maintains it by working out every day. Aha! He understands that fat struggle, and he’s proof of maintenance. That was so encouraging. He did tell me very directly, that if I didn’t get my body fat down, I was pretty much guaranteed to become a diabetic, especially with my family history. When he asked about what I typically eat, I told him I do “pretty good” at breakfast, usually a protein shake or cereal. And much to my surprise, that’s the one meal he wanted me to change. He wants me to eat a huge breakfast. 3 egg omelette, oatmeal and fruit. He didn’t try to do a wide sweeping diet change. He just said to start by eating a lot more at breakfast and less at dinner. He said together we would reach the goals we lined out.
He taught me how to use the machines and did a few tests to determine my fitness level. Eventually, he wants me to move to free weights! (that’s totally uncharted territory!) He said he never judges people based on their size because some people who look really fit never make it past the first squat test. I was quite proud that I made it through the squats, running in place, planks and other core exercises. When we finished, he gave me a workout routine that I should do between our meetings. Here it is…
Warm Up: 5 Minute Walk on Treadmill
Machines: 2 Sets on 1) Leg Press 2) Leg Curl 3) Leg Extension 4) Seated Row 5) Chest Press 6) Shoulder Press 7) Bicep Curl 8) Seated Dip
Core Exercises: Pushup Planks – 30 secs, Superman 30secs, Side Plank 20 secs, V-Sit 20 secs (Repeat 3 times)
Walk: 15 minutes on treadmill – increasing and decreasing speed and incline every 3 minutes.
Whew! I’m exhausted just typing this! Will you all help me put the Fierce back into Carli Fierce?!
P.S. Of course my Gym Cousin was there! We’re meeting up to workout together on Thursday, I’ve missed him!
Carli, I just started week 8 of your C2K podcasts. THANK YOU! These are so much better than juggling a stopwatch in the dark!
Thanks Dana! Spread the word! I hope you join my Wall of Fame.