What am I talking about? Everything… I suppose there is life after the death of everything. There have been so many things going on in my life, and I haven’t written a blog post in forever, so I guess I’ll start there. A few weeks ago, someone hacked my blog, or put “mal-ware” on it if you want to be technical, because the tech support guy said if it had been hacked, you wouldn’t be able to see anything. Then he tried to tell me it was just my computer….I explained to him that people all over the country and the world for that matter e-mailed and told me they were having the same problem. Whatever the case, when you go to my website, after a few seconds you’re automatically redirected to some random websites like toys in China, airline flights, and unfortunately sometimes even porn (yikes)! I was so upset when I started getting e-mails from my readers and my runners letting me know what happened. I felt so defeated. All of my hard work that I put in over the past year, destroyed so quickly without warning. I felt like my blog died…. I’m only a quasi-nerd, I don’t really know how all this stuff happened or even how to fix it. In my spare time (yeah right) I’ve been trying to back up everything so that I can start over and re-build it. On top of all of this, we had a death in the family. My cousin who I called Uncle passed away and he was only 49. I have been very fortunate and at age 28…this was the first time I lost someone that I had an actual relationship with. He lived in my parents’ house for about 80% of my life and still did until he passed away. We weren’t best friends, but he has a Mii on my Wii, he spent the night at my house, we talked on the phone and he was helping me recruit back up dancers for my upcoming Fat to Fit to Fierce DVD. This has been harder than I imagined, but I’m also handling it better than I imagined. I do take comfort in knowing that he loved God and that he is out of pain. He was always a jokester, and even on his death bed, he told me “this is like the horror movie Misery.” I laughed and told him, it’s not that bad…. You guys know that Stephen King movie where the obssessed lady holds the man hostage in the bed and breaks his feet and all these other crazy things to make sure he doesn’t escape. You all know my family is very close, so pray for all of us. The lesson I’m learning is that there is life after death. After some sicko killed my blog and life ran its course with my Uncle, there is still life after death. It may not be easy and it may be challenging and different, but rest assured there is still life and I’m going to live it to the fullest!
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