Finally, after Days and Days of feeling kinda stuck in a slump. I got my Mojo back. I’m ready! I’m ready to love myself enough to treat my body like I deserve. After about a week of not blogging, not working out and eating all kinds of
Read more →Yesterday, I was watching one of the final episodes of the Tyra Show *tear* (I TiVo it every day)….One of her guest’s was a young lady who was brutally raped while attempting to go to a modeling gig. The so-called modeling recruiter beat her so badly that she had
Read more →Today was my niece’s 2nd Birthday. Well, technically her b-day was yesterday, but her party was today. Her birthdays are always so special. I don’t know if I’ve ever told you guys the whole story, but my niece was born 4 months too early, my sister was
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