Team in Training Half Marathon Training Walk Schedule For November

11/7 – 1 Mile

11/8- 1 Mile

11/10 – 1 Mile

11/11 Cross Train

11/12 -2 Miles

11/13 Team Training 2 Miles

11/14 – 1 Mile

11/15 -1 Mile

11/17 1 Mile

11/18 Cross Train

11/19 – 1 Mile

11/20 – 2 Miles

11/21 Group Training 3 Miles

11/22 – 2 Miles

11/23  – Cross Train

11/24 – Work on Speed 2 Miles (Less than 30 Mins)

11/26 –  2 Miles

11/27 – 4 Miles (1 Hour)

11/28 – 2 Miles

11/29 – 2 Miles

11/30 –  Cross Train

I think I can I think I can!

  1. I Know You Can, I Know You Can!!

    You have been such an inspiration to me. I ran my 1st 5K in September 2010 and have a goal to run 3 5Ks and possibly a 10K in 2011. Your playlists ROCK!!

    Thanks for being you and sharing with us.

    Oh yeah my husband loves your playlists also 🙂

  2. Thanks MsNe! Congrats on your 1st 5K! Like I always say if I can do it, ANYbody can. Best of Luck.

  3. Okay Carli-Car…It’s the 11th. How did your cross training go???? Jenn 🙂

  4. Jenn, Hey lady, It went just fine. I’m typing up my post now while catching up on my TV show’s I DVR’d. Thanks for keeping me on my toes! 🙂

  5. my friend who has been an avid follower of yours said that you had another 5k downloads of different kinds of music. She said you emailed it to her but she can’t find it. do you still have that. as appreciative as i am for the downloads, it just isn’t quite my type of music… do you have other playlists for the 5k training. please let me know ASAP to get started on hopefully my own inspiring story as I have been inspired by you…

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