It’s that time again… Running Into is 3 years old! 

  • My original Couch to 5K  Week 1 Training MP3/podcasts has been downloaded 24,666 times!

  • My Rock Couch to 5K Week 1 Training has been downloaded 6,665 times.

  • I have over 1,000 Fans on my Facebook Fan Page

  • Running Into Shape has had over 696,335 visitors.

  •  and I’m writing for my very first e-book!

Not bad for a 3rd Birthday!

  1. Happy Birthday to Running Into Shape–and may more to come! Best wishes on your e-book 🙂

  2. I just discovered you, and am THINKING about starting Couch to 5K… I am able to hear your music on my computer, but can’t figure out how to download them onto my i-phone….

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