We finally got some sunshine this weekend. On Saturday it was a beautiful 64 degrees. Of course everyone was happy for it to be warm and the park was full of joggers, walkers and families enjoying the first real hint of Spring. I took Nyah with me, she was excited to get out too. She loves people, but gets way too excited and aggressive around other dogs. Since in know the park inside and out, I went where I knew there wouldn’t be too many people (or dogs). We went to the Muny outdoor theater parking lot. I hadn’t been there since last summer when I saw Dreamgirls with Jennifer Holiday.
There were only two cars up there, and a family sitting on a bench. There was also some college kids tossing a ball and the occasional couple with a stroller, but for the most part we got to enjoy the outdoors without the crowd or other dogs. We walked around the parking lot and up and down a huge hill a couple of times. After about 45 minutes and one final climb up the hill, Nyah was panting and so was I. I can’t wait for spring and summer so that I can train in the park more often.
I didn’t make it to the gym after church on Sunday because my back was kind of sore, I haven’t been able to sleep comfortably. But, my race is less than a month away, play time is over!
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