daniel fastWell folks, the initial excitement of being on the Daniel Fast has gone. No meat, no sugar, no dairy, no processed foods, no fried foods, no alcohol for 21 days.   I guess that’s not too bad for 17 days.  But all I want is a juicy cheeseburger with mayo on a white bun with a glass of sweet Moscato wine.   Fortunately, I have so much familial support.  My Mom, Dad, Gym Cousin and Little Sister took this journey with me for different reasons.  It’s honestly been kinda of easy up until today.  We’ve had delicious filling recipes. You might think it’s nasty, or eating all salad, but really, I think I’ve only had one or two salads the whole time.  We’ve had homemade muffins, green smoothies, fresh stir fry, Taco soup, brown rice pasta, baked Tostitos with humus or guac, roasted root veggie and more!

I had to remind myself this was not just another diet to quit.  My prayer during the fast is “miraculous weight loss” (and it’s happening!)  I have lost a LOT of weight, 15.9 pounds to be exact.  I have NEVER lost that much in such a short time.  I look and feel and sleep better already.  When me and Mom went shopping, I fit into the jeans in a size smaller.  I’m also praying to reset my natural hunger beyond the fast, and not live in a constant state of craving unhealthy food.

In the midst of my lull, I canceled my Shred 415 treadmill and weights class because of “the snow.”  But let’s be real, I’ve been driving in the St. Louis snow since I’ve had my license and my new car has 4 Wheel Drive.  That was a poor excuse.  Sooooo, I signed right back up once I realized I was simply making excuses.  I’m determined to keep moving in the right direction.  I’ll leave that cheeseburger wherever it’s at and eat my Quinoa with veggies for dinner.  And no worries, I’m not gonna die from 21 days of no meat, I’ve gotten plenty of protein from tofu, beans and quinoa.  After the fast I’ll add meat and eggs back into my diet, but staying away from the rest for a while.  I’m trying to make lifestyle changes. Who’s with me?!

  1. So glad you’ve been able to stick with it! I attempted the Daniel fast a few years ago and discovered that I’m of the blood type that needs meat. I got so sick that I became weak, lethargic and…worse. Glad you’ve done so well with it!

  2. I’m so proud of my family!!! You guys are great. Congrats on the weight loss sis!!!

  3. Go for it Carli! Congrats on your persistence! LOVE LOVE LOVE your sassy cookbook!

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