Hey guys, I’ve kind of just been in chill mode trying to balance everything during this busy time of year.  I do have some great news.  I went back to the doctor and my medical issue is cleared up, the problem and the pain is gone.  I’m so thankful.  I’m moving right along with my plans for my fitness DVD, I make my first financial investment towards it Jan 1st.  I have to pay for the original music tracks that I want to play in the background during the DVD workout.  I’m also working on my list of goals for 2010, one of which includes a 1/2 marathon.  Yes I said it, a Half Marathon, 13 Miles.  The Go St. Louis race is in April.  I’m going to register  for it before the end of the year.  I may not be able to run the whole time by then, but I’m going to give it all I got.   My goal will be to finish the race without passing out, puking, collapsing or coming in last place. …I think I can manage that….  Today, I went shopping with a friend who really helped remind me of the little changes that have happened after I lost weight.   When we were walking in the store he said, “I always had to slow down and wait on you before you lost weight; now you move so fast I have to hurry just to keep up with you!”  It’s thing like that help encourage me to stay on the right track and live a healthy life.

Air Flight - Winter

  1. OMG! I signed up today! It’s Official!

  2. Good for you! I’m trying to figure out if I’m doing the half again or a relay marathon. My friends tend to flake out on me, so I may just sign up for myself. I’m so glad you’re not in any pain!

    • Gretchen Hey! Thanks for checking out my blog, I think you’re like the only person I know “in the flesh” who reads my blog besides my Mom. All the other hundreds of people remain a mystery….LOL! Maybe I’ll do the marathon with you next year!

  3. Hey,
    I read the blog too!!! LOL
    I already checked into runners group to join in the new year, and found out there is a half marathon in town later in the year, by the time I’ll be ready!!
    In the meantime have a fab NY’s Eve and hope all your plans for the new year become real!!

    your runner from Italy—

    • Oh Enrica thats great! I like the idea of a runners group, I might have to find one here. I have a fun game night planned with my friends to bring in the new year!

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