So my girlfriend at work it still helping me stay on plan. We take turns cooking lunch and bring enough to share. And then we workout for the second half of our lunch break. We’ve done it for about 5 days now. It’s so nice to have somebody at work helping me stay focused and encouraged. At get this, I was able to button those pants today!!!! I was so excited. My home scale even shows I’m down a couple of pounds, in just these few short days of eating better and writing down my food. Today, she made ground turkey, spinach and stewed tomatoes over rice. It was raining outside, so we hit the stairs. I brought my extra deodorant, so I was good to go. We walked down 9 flights. Caught the elevator up the 12th floor, walked back down to the 1st floor, and then climbed all the way back up to the 9th floor. We had a great workout. We were sweating for real. I had to go to the bathroom and get a cool towel to wipe my sweat. I felt such a sense of accomplishment.
I went to the grocery store after work since tomorrow is my day to bring lunch. I decided to make whole wheat pasta mixed with green beans and stewed tomatoes. You put the tomatoes, green beans and a cup of chicken broth in a pot to simmer, while the noodles are cooking. I added garlic, pepper and seasoned salt for a little flavor, oh and Italian seasoning. People laugh because I put Italian seasoning on everything…. Then you add a cup of fat-free ricotta cheese to the tomato mixture and warm it together. Then you stir in the tomato ricotta mixture with the noodles. This was my first time making this dish. It’s a recipe I got from this site, that has tons of recipes with the weight watcher points included. The recipe actually called for spinach, which I forgot to get at the grocery store, so I just used the green beans I had at home. Mr. Man said it tasted good, and gave it a thumbs up. But, I almost forgot, to tell y’all when I got home from the grocery store, I still went on my Wednesday walk in the park with my best friend. Then came home and cooked. All and all I can say, good job Carli and pat myself on the back.
What Did Carli Eat Today?
B– Turkey sausage on eng muffin & an orange
L– My co-worker’s Turkey, spinach, tomato and rice stuff (It was really good too, and filing)
S– She also made “dessert” …Graham crackers filled with cool whip like an ice cream sandwich and put in the freezer. They were also very tasty.
D– Chicken and green beans, oh yeah, a biscut managed to somehow sneak in too.
Thumbs Up! I like her…way to go girlfriend! I have a friend at work and we are always talking about “how we need to this” or “how we shouldn’t eat that” but today I said “lets just actually do something!” I’m meeting her Saturday morning before work (she’s a nurse) and we are going to start Week 1.
Nine flights of stairs. Holy cow, my heart just pumps aways like mad thinking of doing that. (The turkey stuff sounds good too.)
You ROCK!!!
Way to go!!!! It really feels great when you can get those pants buttoned!!!
Keep up all the great hard work!
I’m still set for my first half marathon 11/7!
Tam, that is so great, I’m going to get to my half and my full marathon one day, maybe not as soon as I would like, but one day!. I’m so excited for you. I’ll put you up on the wall of fame again when you finsh.
My girl Jenn, I “knew” you would be reading this LOL! You have to let me know how Saturday goes, it’s going to be tough, but you so can do it! I learned from Lyle my boot camp teacher, you can do “anything” for 60 seconds. Good luck!
Saturday will be easy breezy for me….and definately doable for my friend Angela. Also, I signed up for a 5k on Oct 23rd (Wall of Fame here I come!). It practically lands on week 9! I’m totally ready for the 10k program. How’s that going? I know you must be super busy….. 🙂 Have a super fab weekend!
Carli, you are my inspiration! Some relative told me about the c25k app, but since I don’t have a smartphone I googled it and found you 🙂 I’m on week 6, about to run 25 mins. You’re awesome! And your tastes in music are surprisingly very similar to mine. I was SO excited to discover that I LOVED the music from week to week! I find myself laughing out loud when I get to some long forgotten song that I love! 😀 And that motivated me half way thru my run to keep going. Then last week I finally read some of you blog and discovered that you are from the Lou! Awesome! I had no idea, but it makes sense – only those THIS smart can come from STL!!
Two of my friends are training with me now, and we are all going to run the 5k in Ferguson May 14. I wanted to know if you would be willing to run it too, and if we could meet you. Thanks!