Hey!! Guess what? I signed up for a local weight loss competition called “Lose to Win.” It’s kind of like “The Biggest Loser,” but not really. A lady passionate about fitness and healthy eating started a program to use your competitive edge to lose weight and created a local weight loss competition. Participants weigh in each week, and results are posted in the newspaper. At the end of the 12 weeks, there are 3 grand prize winners along with the top 10 winners. Prizes include cool stuff like iPads and cookware. As you know, I’ve had so many ups and downs with my weight, but I would like to be in the top 10. I went in for my first official weigh in. I was happy and surprised that I lost 7.3 pounds in just over one week. I can’t wait for the results to come out and see where I fall amongst the 1,000 other participants. The South Beach Diet is actually working for me. It’s so freeing not to have to count calories or track everything you eat. But, I can already see that the challenge will be getting bored with eating the same foods. After about the 5th day, I couldn’t eat another egg for breakfast. Whether it was boiled (LOL), scrambled, or baked in a frittata, it was still an egg. I started to adapt Phase 2 of the plan early, and had bran cereal for breakfast. That was enough to keep me on track. Ultimately, I will probably do to the Weight Watchers Simply Filling Plan. It allows you to eat whole grain (and low fat) bread, whole wheat pasta and gives you a weekly points allowance for all of the food not on the Power Foods list. I think that’s more manageable for a lifetime plan for me and my body chemistry. Have any of you used the Simply Filling plan from Weight Watchers? What’s your experience with it?
Have you ever thought about trying herbalife? Changed my life for FOREVER! I have lost over 45 pounds in 4 months and have kept it off for over a year!!! :0)
Hi Carli, I am loving you podcast for the couch to 5k program. I am in week 6! I joined the weight watcher points plus program and lost 7.8lbs in the first week. I thought iit would be much easier to run a 5k if I didn’t weigh so much! I really like their online etools that do all the tracking for you, both what you eat and physical activities. So far so good and I have a significant amount of weight to lose! Let me know if you have any questions about the program
I have also had great success with Weight Watchers. It is a real life change program. I have had some hormone related medical issues that caused me to gain the weight back, but I am back to Weight Watchers again. I was able to keep the weight off for years while following the plan. It is so flexible and easy to adapt to holidays and eating out. I can’t recommend it enough. I originally lost over 85 pounds. I am already losing again! 🙂
By the way, I moved up to week 2, after a couple of weeks of week 1, by using your fabulous podcast. It really made the whole thing a heck of a lot easier. I had been running with a stopwatch which made me so focused on how long I was doing it and how much was left that I couldn’t zone out. Thank you so much!
…so there IS a Like button…wouldja believe I just found it? duh…
Amanda, I’ve never heard of herbalife. I”ll check it out. can you send me a link? or post one here?
I too am such a believer in WW Simply filling technique! It’s a great way to live your life. have you started?
Hey girls! I am desperate to get moving and found your blog…..hoping to actually be able to run a 5k in 3 months. Where do I find the best tool to download to my iPod (assuming I can even figure out how to do that!)