Friday night, my best friend had a sleep over to celebrate her 31st birthday. We’re a little old for slumber parties aren’t we?… Well, I guess not, because we had a ton of fun! We played silly games, like each person picked a personal theme song that was sung by everyone each time she entered the room. My friend is a professional party planner and decorator deep on the inside. I’ll be glad when she lets it out. Everything was purple and black, down to the candles floating in the purple water and the purple M&M’s in the champagne glasses that she gave as parting gifts. I took my X Box Kinect , and we played, the Michael Jackson Experience, The Black Eye Pea Experience
and my favorite Dance Central 2
. Both of my sisters were there and my little sister was showing off, getting flawless high scores with her dance moves. I said she was cheating because she’s on the dance team at her high school and the praise dance team at church. She showed us all that big girls can move! … Anyway, we stayed up until the wee hours of the morning watching TV and having girl talk about relationships and overcoming the challenge being single and wanting a husband and kids, all while the biological clock is ticking. Some ladies were ready for children now and others (like me) will take it when it comes.
In the morning I took my Little Sister to her school dance competition (they won 1st place in the Beyoncé competition) and then I came back to my BFF’s house for brunch. That afternoon, I got my hair done and ran errands setting up new tenants. Everyone is happy for me, but me. I want that crappy building to disappear, but apparently there’s a greater plan that I’m unaware of. Anyway, enough whining about my real estate “investment.”
So, you know I have a “Special Friend” that I dated for a while, but then we became “just friends” (his choice not mine). And, ironically, it worked. We still talk on the phone every day, but the conversation changed a little. Like some of my commenters said, the things I liked about him as a potential boyfriend, are the same things I like about him as a friend. I inspired him to train for the half marathon with me, and we keep each other updated with progress reports on mileage. Even though we talk nearly every day, I hadn’t seen him since October. However, Saturday, he wanted to train together. I told him I was still healing from my “rafting injury” but that I could manage a slow walk. I was super tired, from no sleep at the slumber party, and running errands all day, but I didn’t cancel our training session. It was already dark outside by the time he met at my house to head to the park. He’s a big tall guy, and as a former military man, he tucked a pocket knife in his camouflage vest, and we took Nyah, so I wasn’t really worried about safety. We had great conversation as usual, and things were really “friendly” until my back started hurting. My ginormous boobs really take a toll on my lower back. He saw I was struggling and stepped in close, holding me, helping me turn and stretch my back. He did stretch my back, but I can tell you, with this handsome strong man cracking my back, I wasn’t thinking “friendly thoughts.” I told him I was still transitioning from “dating” to “friend”, but rather unsuccessfully, at that particular time. He laughed thinking I was just joking. Luckily the stretching session only lasted a few minutes and I was able to get my focus back. LOL. Tired, limping, and hormonally flustered, I managed to finish up 2 full miles, and we ended the night with a friendly hug.
Well Carli, you’ve pulled me out of lurkdom with that post! How you just gon’ leave us hanging like that? Is he at all receptive of reversing the previous decision and becoming “special friends” once again? After the stretching session I’m frustrated right along with you!
Lol. I’m so with LJ! Girl I was reading that post with expectation. You never know where a stretch between friends will get you. Hahaha. But seriously, it’s good to have a friend to workout with and a guy friend can be the best choice. Especially after dark, in the park….wait…this is going somewhere else. Lol! Anyway, I’m glad to hear you stuck with your workout even with your injury. Keep up the dedication lady!
LJ! LOL look at you coming out from behind the curtain….I am guilty of being a lurker on some of my fav blogs….I was really trying to flex my writing skills, I wanted to make it juicy, and I guess I did a good job. Unfortunately, it’s not my fiction fairytale, I think he was really was just trying to help me stretch my back. He’s just a good guy like that. But I’ll keep you all posted 😉
DD, you say the funniest stuff! I agree, I’m a night person, so it was very cool to have someone to walk with in the park after dark. Thanks for your support!