Michael Jackson - King of Pop
MY SPEECH IS BELOW THIS POST…I’m still in shock that Michael Jackson is gone! I was a huge fan in the 80’s, I’m talking, posters on the wall that I use to talk to, and hide my change behind. I had a belt with his face on it, that I treated like gold! Well… I digress. Today, I was asked to speak at “Healthy Happy Hour” about losing weight and living an active lifestyle. We dined on turkey lasagna made with whole wheat noodles, veggies and dip, and fruit kabobs for dessert. We did line dances and yoga stretches. Then, they introduced me to the crowd of about 20 or so as an expert! I’m by no means an expert, but it was nice to hear the applause as I told them my story. Well here’s my speech, but I must tell you that my big little sister said I was “Ghetto” for adding a special shout out to Michael Jackson at the end of my speech LOL!….
- Hi, My name is “Carli”, I’ve pretty much struggled with my weight since adolescence. In June of last year, I joined the Weight Management program at Washington University. Since that time, I’ve lost 50 lbs and made many drastic lifestyle changes. Before I joined the WM program, a typically days meals would probably consist of a breakfast sandwich, hash browns and orange juice, lunch of chicken fingers and fries and soda, donut sticks for an afternoon snack, and a double cheeseburger meal with a soda, and usually dessert with dinner. Before loosing the weight, I would get out of breath doing everyday activities. I got out of breath putting on shoes, walking up a flight stairs, and even getting out the car. It was a miserable way to live life, that’s when I knew something had to be done, so I joined the WM Program. The 1st 20 weeks of the program are very strict. I thought that I would most certainly die when the dietitian said Mountain Dew would not be a part of my new food regimen. A typical day’s food turned into a High Protein Shake
for breakfast, a salad for lunch, a Protein Bar
for snack and a healthy choice frozen meal for dinner. I stuck this meal plan about 90% of the time. In the beginning, I slowly became more physically active by joining the Wash U “On the Move” program, an exercise program designed specifically for overweight individuals. After Stage 1 of the program ended, and new foods were added to my meal plan, and I stopped loosing weight. I realized I had to get even more active and dedicated to my weight loss. I started a blog online called www.carlifierce.com. I used my blog as a journal to track my ups and downs as I trained for several months and ran my 1st 5K in April of this year. I never thought in a million years I would be able to jog for 3 miles. I felt like I could do anything! Often times at work, my co-worker and I will walk a mile around downtown on our lunch break, and I consistently work out at least 3 times a week in the gym or jog in the park. In May, Kay Quinn from Channel 5 interviewed me as someone who participated in a Wash U program, and lost weight and changed my lifestyle. After half of St. Louis saw me on TV, and told me how my story inspired them, it was only then that I actually was able to see my accomplishments. I walked the Komen 5K Race for the cure with co-workers a couple weeks ago, it was a great feeling when I reflected on the fact that this time last year I wasn’t even able to walk from the parking garage to the Weight Mangement clinic without huffing and puffing and complaining about the distance. Currently, I’m still blogging and training for my 3rd 5K. I will be running in the All Star race next month, My is goal to beat my time from my 1st race. I’m still adjusting to people calling me skinny, and telling me, I inspire them to work out. People constantly ask me, “how’d you do it?”, my response is “the only way you can, eat less and move more!” My advice to you would be to find a long term Weight Management program that works for you, find new fun ways to get active, surround yourself with positive people who support your goals, and accept that sometimes you just might eat a donut!. I still have many pounds to go to get to my healthy happy weight, but with the continued support of my family and friends, I know that I can do it! As difficult as it may seem, Just remember the basics, “Eat less and Move more!”
Hey Carli!
Thanks for the podcasts. I just started the C25K and I love your PODCASTS. I am dying for you to put up week 3 as I am about to start it. I hope that you will continue with all the weeks since out of all the sites out there yours are the best. I really enjoy your music choices as they keep me going! It helps too that my little girl is named Karley! 🙂
Thanks again for all your help! Keep going on your weightloss journey. You are so awesome!
What a great site and motivation!!!!
I love the podcasts and am running my 1st 5K in November….I decided to start running to get over that plateau…I’m down 55 and need to do another 50!
Thanks and keep up the great work!!!
I simply love your podcast. I discovered it on coolrunnings.com’s Newbie Forum. Your words are inspirational and REAL. Better than the typical, “you can do it.”
And thank you for playing Michael. Simply thank you.
You’re Welcome!
Great podcasts! Looking forward to my first 5K!
JT I look forward to seeing you on the Wall of Fame!
Hi Carli – thanks so much for doing these podcasts, I’m currently following weight watchers and want to start running but it’s all so scarey! so I really appreciate all the effort you’ve put into this and you are an inspiration! you look awesome! :0) x
Thanks Jane! Congrats on making the bold brave decision to become a runner! Like I always say, If I can do it, anybody can 🙂
Hi Carli, you know what I’m on the first week and have completed 2 sessions… the first was worse than the second almost like the second time my lungs caught up quicker! if that makes sense!! as I suffer with asthma not sure I’ll be able to progress as fast as others but I’m determined to do it.
But I actually feel after 2 sessions that I might be able to do it!!! :0)
Hi Carli! I just completed C25k W1D1 and thanks to you it wasn’t as bad as I thought! Your podcasts were great and extremely helpful. I read your story and you are a great inspiration. Thanks so much for caring enough about yourself to create this site and let’s all in to come along for the ride!!!!!
Keep on keepin on!!!!!
Thank you for your C25K Podcasts. I love the music choices and the “Ready? Go!”. I am already afraid of what I will do without you in my ear once I’ve finished the program. The only thing missing is that you say when it’s halftime, so people like me know when to turn around. 🙂
Yay Anna! I’m glad to be a part of your journey. If you want more, I made a Race Day Podcast with new music and support. It free when you download of a copy of my new eBook. I listen to it in the gym, and I plan on running with it during my upcoming 5K in April.
thanks for the podcast!! Just finished w4d2. I’ve doing both the hip hop and rock versions. I purposely don’t look at the playlist, so I get pleasant surprises. W4D2 was one of them, when Neneh Cherry came on, it brought back happy memories and gave me an extra boost!!
Thanks again!
You’re Welcome Tony! Thanks for running with me.