I woke up this morning at 7:17 AM, despite the fact that I intentionally turned off the alarm clock last night. All kinds of thoughts swirled in my mind. Yesterday wasn’t a just a bad dream? Should I get the cable turned off? Who really needs a house phone? As I started to drift back to sleep Nyah put her paw on the bed and stared at me as if to say “Mama, you might not have a job, but I still have to do my business.” After I let her out, I decided to make a to-do list. First, update my resume, clean my house, think up some side hustles, stay focused on nutrition and exercise. I had just finished up my resume when my family called and asked me to go to six flags…I politely declined. Then they called my phone non-stop begging me to go swimming. I think they just wanted me to get out of the house. Then, I remembered that mixing up my exercise routine was on my list, so I gave in and went.
My Big Little Sister and I are participants in the Big Brother Big Sister program, so we picked up our Littles to join in on the summer fun. When we got to the pool, it was closed, everyone was a little disappointed, so I said “Let’s just go to the pool at the local YMCA, we all have memberships.” So me, my little sisters, our Littles, some random kids from the closed pool that my sister felt sorry for, and a host of other friends and family members went to the YMCA. At first I was trying to do actual water aerobics and they laughed at me, and thought I was crazy. Then, my sister dunked me!!! I haven’t been dunked in the pool since I was 12 years old! I decided to relax and just have fun swimming on Friday afternoon with family. All and all, we had a great time, and I got 2 things crossed off my list!
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