I’m back in action.  I walked/jogged 2 miles in the freezing cold park today.  Check out my video. 

Here are some links for all the stuff I talked about. 

My Medical Issue, My Car Accident

Waist Trimmer Belt

Purple Apple iPod nano

Belkin Armband for iPod

Nike Plus iPod Tracker

Shoe Lace sensor Pouch for Nike + iPod Sport Kit (sensor not included)

Running Belt for Personal Items

  1. Hey Carli, just checking in again picking up week 5. I don’t normally read what the game plan is – I just get into it, but I noticed the download seemed long, so thought I should see what was what. Wow, I’m actually looking forward to the longer run on day 3 – woot!
    Loved the video, I was thinking of doing one similar to show off my gear as well. Looking into the iPod tracker, but not sure if it will work with my super funky old school ipod from 2005 with the click wheel. I’ve got an iPhone now, so may have to look at getting setup with that if I want to get one.
    Have a good week and good luck with your weigh-in 🙂

  2. Hey Carli, I did 5k on Saturday. I ran the whole way — no walk breaks! I was really pushing it by the time I crossed the finished line… my photo has me with my mouth wide open!!! My time wasn’t fast 40:17 — but I did it! Not bad for 50+ !

  3. Hi ! I found the couch to 5K program online a few days ago and have been searching through running stuff since then and found your website. I just watched your video about going out in cold weather. I’m from WI and have to deal with that a lot when I want to work out outside. Tomorrow it’s going to be in the 20’s and I’m planning on going out! I like to wear a neck gator and a hat for sure. My hands warm up pretty quick with the walking/jogging so I haven’t worn mittens yet this year but I probably will tomorrow! If it’s a little cold I just bunch up my fingers inside the end of my sweatshirt sleeves. Once it gets below the 20’s the air gets a bit cold for my face and lungs, even with a scarf bunched up to eyes. When it gets to the temp when my breath goes up out the top of my scarf and freezes on my eyelashes, that’s when I usually stay inside!!! Good luck staying warm!

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