I had every intention to write a blog post before I left St. Louis, but a surprise tornado drastically changed my plans. Before I explain, let’s rewind back to Thursday of last week. I was so nervous about my Weight Watcher weigh-in. I loosely tracked my food points all week. I didn’t want to go and see the scale go up again as it did the previous week. I meant to tell you guys about the 1.5 lb gain but I “sort of” intentionally forgot and purposefully didn’t have time to blog about it. Anyway, I had to go to the meeting since my sister and I have a $10 wager on each weigh-in. A little healthy competition keeps us going. I stepped on the scale while holding my breath….to my surprise I stayed the same. “I’ll take it!” I told Ricarda the leader, and she jokingly replied “good, ‘cause that’s all we’ve got.” My sister and the baby sat down next to me. She told me that she gained a little, just like I had the previous week. Score for Team Carli! “Show me the MONEY,” I told her.
Show Me the Money!
The next day was Good Friday. They gave us the afternoon off from work and I got my nails and toes done in preparation for my vacation to Mexico. One of my best friends from college drove up and joined me for dinner before our Saturday morning flight. We laughed at the fact that all of friends and family were worried that we would be killed by the Mexican drug cartel. We share the mindset not to worry about stuff like that while on vacation; just relax and have fun. However, we didn’t know we had a real issue headed our way. During dinner my Dad called me about a tornado that hit St. Louis Lambert airport. It was totally inconceivable that a tornado hit the airport and tore off the roof hours before my scheduled flight. When we got back to my house, we stalked the various news stations for the latest updates. Luckily, no one was seriously injured. However, it wasn’t looking good for us. They announced that there would be no flights out until Monday. We made the bold executive decision to catch a flight from the nearest connecting airport in Bloomington, Illinois. While praying that the storm didn’t blow East, I did some last minute packing and we drove for 2 ½ hours to catch our 6AM flight. Finally, after a layover in Detroit, we safely made it to Mexico about Noon.
Glad to hear you’re safe (tornados and crazy Mexican drug cartels). Vacation pics please. I am living vicariously through others at this point since I am heading to Bar Harbor Sunday for work – it’s cold and rainy there 🙁 and it’s just plain cold in Sacramento 🙁
Have fun!!
The footage of that tornado going through the St. Louis airport was crazy scary!! It was amazing that there were no serious injuries. So happy that you made it to your fun destination. Hope it was a relaxing and rejuvenating experience. 🙂
Tex, I just realized that I never posted my vacation post. I wrote it up and never posted it. I’ll add the pics and try to find some time this weekend to post.