This week has been really good. I’ve taken time for me. I decided to take a break from the dating scene for a while. I deactivated my online dating profile. The right man will come when it’s time. I think I was panicking because I turned 30. I felt like I was running out of time. Shouldn’t I be married? Shouldn’t I have kids by now? But realistically, I like my life. I think I’m getting to that magic age where I just don’t care about what “they” say I should be doing. I’m free to be me.
I met with my app developer. The Apple app is under review and the Android app in available in the market! It’s called RunIntoShape. This is a “rough draft.” There are so many features that I want to add, so please download it for free and tell me what you think about it so far. I’m open to ideas. Additionally, I’m working on my e-book. I’ve attended writer’s conferences, participated in webinars and done tons of research. I thought my book would be ready last month, but there is so much more than typing it and turning it into a PDF. Writing a good book is a lot of work. I won’t bore you with the technical details, but I can say that I think you will love the finished result. In just one week, I got so much accomplished when I decided to focus on me. What did you do this week to make yourself better?
I understand that turning 30 panic–I was there once too! I will be 35 in a few months and have no idea how almost 5 years have passed since I turned 30. But you are right, there is no magic age and things will happen when the timing is right :).
Hey, Carli, I met my husband 13 years ago after I decided to give up on dating and focus on myself for a while. I had a series of less-than-fulfilling relationships prior to meeting my husband. During my dating disasters, my mom bought me a book called “All Men are Jerks Until Proven Otherwise”. It was really helpful, in spite of the somewhat snotty title. Basically, it was about how to focus on yourself and a reminder to not invest too much in a relationship until the guy has proven himself worthy. I recently recommended it to a friend who has been in the online dating market after getting a divorce. She loved it and found it very helpful, too.
I also want to offer you a mental “cookie” to chew on, calorie-free. I have many friends that are married with children who long for a few moments to focus on enriching themselves. Your are making the most of your “me” time by enriching yourself, but also your followers on Just reading about how productive you were this week makes me feel tired! At the young age of 30, you have already set many goals for yourself that you have either already achieved or are on your way to achieving. I think that God is just giving you the time to finish up a few of your current projects before sending you a wonderful man.
By the way, I have a feeling that even after you have a husband and children, you’ll still manage to multitask and be more productive than most of us. In the meantime, I hope you are having a wonderful time creating, writing, and inspiring!
Hey Aubree, my dad, told me after age 21 time flies by. He was so right. I can’t believe I’ll be 31 in a couple months…wasn’t I just in Vegas celebrating the big 3-0? lol
Hey Julie! “Less than fulfilling” is an understatment lol. I don’t even tell you guys about all of the dating disasters. I’ll definatley check out the book. … You said “cookie” and i freaked out, lol then I saw it was “calorie-free” and I was laughing so hard….Thank you for such a wonderful perspective. I need to chill out instead of trying to make something happen. You must read my blog alot, b/c one of my best friends said the same thing. She was like, you don’t know how to sit down and even when you have kids, they will be well-trained and go right along with you! Thanks for your support!
I just want to share this with you; “To all the girls who are in a hurry to have a boyfriend or get married, a piece of Biblical advice; “Ruth waited patiently for her mate Boaz”. While you are waiting for YOUR Boaz, don’t settle for any of his relatives: Broke-az, Po-az, Cheatin’-az, Dumb-az, Drunk-az, Cheap-az, Locked-up-az, Good-for-Nuthin’-az, Lazy-az and especially his third cousin, Beatin’yo-az. Wait on your Boaz and make sure he respects Yo-az!”. You have been so inspirational to me that I wanted to give a little something back. Thanks, Carli!!
Jo-Anne, Thanks for your hilarious comment. You made my day. I was laughing so hard that people walking by my office stopped to stare.