kourtney and Kim Take MiamiAll week I was feeling lazy/discouraged about working out. Weigh in Wednesday did not go to well. I was up 2 pounds. I guess in the grand scheme of things though, 2 pounds in two weeks is not the end of the world. I took my counselors advice and decided to let someone know how I was feeling, and allowed myself to be vulnerable in front of someone else. I told my Special Friend that I was frustrated because I was working so hard in the gym going three and four times a week, yet still gaining weight because my food was not totally under control. He was actually quite helpful and reminded me to just focus on my 5K training for now. Gaining 2 pounds does not take away from the fact that I made it to week 4 and that I have a 5K in a few weeks. He also started training with the Couch to 5K program after he found out I was doing it. My lazy/crazy days allowed him to catch up with me, so he is on Week 4 now too. We’re both pretty competitive so that got me moving again, because he was a week behind me.

My Gym Cousin was supposed to meet me there, but he didn’t show up until after I had already finished running. I wasn’t mad at him because I had pretty much played him to the left all week-long missing at least three training sessions.

I turned the treadmill TV to the E! Network in hope that my secret guilty pleasure would be on. They must run Kourtney and Kim take Miami 24 hours a day, because it was indeed on. Oddly enough, I could relate to some of the insanity the sisters experienced. Kim was allergic to her cat but loved her and wanted to keep her. She gave the cat away, where as I told the allergist that after all these years, finding Nyah a new home was not up for discussion. Later in the episode one of the sisters (I still get them mixed up) developed a strong Cuban coffee caffeine addiction that left her in a bad neighborhood on a bus stop in the wee hours of the morning searching for an open coffee shop. Once she realized how out-of-control her addiction was, she had to pretty much went cold turkey and had caffeine withdrawals. Caffeine withdrawals are no joke! I remember it was quite difficult when I gave up my 3 to 4 soda a day habit. But, it was worth it, now its very rare that I have a soda, maybe once a month. I wanted to finish watching the shenanigans, so I did interval runs on and off for an hour on the treadmill until it went off.

When I finished, I did not look like a Kardashian, but I felt accomplished. And like the Kardashian sisters, I am headed to Florida to visit my sister and my niece! I had to thank my Special Friend for lighting the fire and getting me motivated again.

springP.S. My Book is on Sale only $4.99 Pick up your copy today, and get the Race Day Podcast for FREE.  It’s over an hour long and has great new music.

  1. Hey there!!
    I so glad that you got that special friend to get you moving! Every now and then we need that extra push. Take care and be safe in Florida!!! Hugs to your niece!!!! Have fun!!!

  2. Hey Karli 😉

    You are doing great my friend! Keep pushing it hard. Your body is strong and healthy for the paces you are putting it through.

    I am similar to you, I eat poorly even when I know I shouldn’t. I have been running for five weeks, three times per week and exercising on my off days. I have not lost ANY weight at all. I feel all that great muscle underneath but it’s not showing too much on the outside. I like instant results and when they aren’t coming it’s frustrating.

    Thank you for so openly sharing your life, and your struggles, with all of us. It let’s us know we are not alone!

    You go lady!!!


  3. Hi Karli,

    Great job sharing your feelings. Keep going to the gym it will pay off.


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