My Big Little Sister is here! She’s in town from Florida. I missed the first half of her trip to St. Louis while I was in California, so we had a lot of catching up to do. She invited me to go to the gym. I didn’t really feel like going. But then again, we can’t really live our lives based solely on how we feel.

When I got off work, I got dressed and picked her up. I wasn’t really in the mindset to work out. Once I stepped inside the gym doors, I realized just how unprepared I was. All I had on was my gym shoes, no iPod, no heart rate monitor, no bottle of water, nothing. But, no excuses, I had the only two things I really needed, good shoes and enough drive to walk through the gym door. I had planned on doing the elliptical, but I didn’t think I could do that high intensity cardio without music. So, I got on the treadmill next to my sister. I shared my dating drama with her. I’ve recently discovered some inconsistencies with my List Guy. He’s still a great guy, but a little red flag has popped up, and I need to investigate and proceed with caution. I think I’ve figured out a way to discuss it with him. It’s hard to determine if I am just scared because years ago I almost married a guy that had a whole lifestyle I knew nothing about, or am I just being smart and paying attention?…



We walked at a very easy pace, but we also did a quick little jog half way through. We walked and talked for about 40 minutes. When we left the gym we went back to my house and drowned ourselves in the DVR. We have so much fun watching TV together. We watched episodes of Whodunnit and Under the Dome. I LOVE Under the Dome, Stephen King is one of my favorite authors, he’s so creepy! It was a great day, I got to spend time with my sis and get in some activity.


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