Let me rewind back to Monday. Weigh -in at weight watchers was awful. I couldn’t even bring myself to blog about it. I gained 4 pounds in 2 weeks. I guess all the good eating over the holiday and no workouts and all the crap I ate” just because” really added up. I’m so frustrated, but I guess I can’t be mad at anybody but myself. This week I’m trying to do better at keeping my points. The good great news is that I finally have Internet at home. Finally! Mom said she’ll miss my frequent visits to steal her Internet. I even filmed my last video at her house, I think you can hear my little niece screaming in the background at one point….anyway….here’s my funny story. I came back from a meeting with one of the lawyers and there was an orange on my desk. I knew that I only had clementines at home, and that I certainly didn’t bring in a giant orange. My slim fast bar was wearing off, but I still looked around and tossed it in the trash. I guess I watch too much TV, because I wasn’t about to eat some tainted mystery orange that just showed up on my desk. On my way to the office kitchen to get some hot tea to hold me over until lunch, one of the secretaries said “Hey! I snagged you a special orange shipped here from Florida.” “Oh!” I exclaimed and forced smile, “I didn’t know where it came from.” She replied, “I wanted to make sure you got one before they were gone.” I ran back to my desk and dug it out of the trash can, and had a delicious afternoon snack. Lesson learned: Just because you start a new job; your new co-workers are not trying to get rid of you with poison oranges.
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